陳俊宇EXCEL VBA雙迴圈JavaScript迴圈
VBA繪圖 VBA繪圖程式碼 '拷貝自https://excelatfinance.com/xlf19/xlf-... 'Dr Ian O'Connor, CPA. - located in Victoria, Australia. Option Explicit Const topleft As String = "C5" ' anchor cell Const diam As Integer = 100 ' points Dim Shp As Shape '全域變數global variables 每一個副程式都可以用 Sub 陳俊宇() Dim TLCleft As Double '區域local variables只能用在這裡 Dim TLCtop As Double Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 30 TLCleft = 20 * i TLCtop = 20 * i Set Shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeOval, _ Left:=TLCleft, Top:=TLCtop, _ Width:=diam, Height:=diam) With Shp .Fill.Visible = msoFalse .Line.Weight = 10 .Line.ForeColor.Brightness = 0.4 .ThreeD.BevelTopType = msoBevelCircle End With Next With Cells(1, 1) '物件.字物件 屬性 方法 .Value = "陳俊宇大帥哥" ...